We envision a world in which no civilian is harmed in conflict.

Reducing the harm that civilians in conflict face and spreading awareness of how to do so is a more pressing concern now than ever before. It requires continued attention and commitment of all from state authorities and militaries to multilateral organizations, the civil society, and the very same people who are affected by conflict.

Be part of the solution and join the campaign #NOTCOLLATERALDAMAGE.

Stand up for the protection of civilians everywhere!

Here’s How You Can Help:

Whether you’ve been personally affected by armed conflict or have never had to experience the terrors of war yourself, your voice and commitment to this cause matters.

Together, we can make a difference for civilians in conflict around the world.

Our supporters have a message for you * * *

Civilians are #NOTCOLLATERALDAMAGE * * *

Share your own message today * * *

Our supporters have a message for you * * * Civilians are #NOTCOLLATERALDAMAGE * * * Share your own message today * * *